This weekend, May 9 and 10, I will be at the
Toronto Comic Arts Festival! It's at the Toronto Reference Library this year. I'll be sitting with local super talents and
Transmission X buddies, as well as doing a few panels throughout the weekend. I'll do my best to have original art on hand and a few prints available (I've moved recently and have yet to find all the art boxes).

I was itching to draw Storm for some reason, and the top sketch is the result of scratching that itch. I actually like that Loki is now a dame though I don't read any of the books in which she appears. She looks pretty cool, eh?
If you can make it out to the Festival stop by and say "Hi".
Heavenly sketches, J.
Have fun at the show!
These are fun sketches! Do you intend to finish them at any point? I'd like to see where the Loki one ends up.
Have fun at the show and have a great weekend!
Wow...both of these are great. Will we see finished versions here or....
Jon - Thanks, man. Brian got me a copy of your delightful Fannie Firecracker! Holy socks, Jon. You need to be in print. I'm not kidding anymore. Stop f***ing around, man!! You're so damned talented!
Doug - Funny you should ask...I just inked them this very evening.
Mock - I'll put up inked and colored versions...probably Monday. I'll be busy this weekend but should have time to color Monday morning.
Great work as usual.
I commented once about your great angles on the form but I have to include your work also has great volume/mass.
Keep it going J!
James M
I also really like the new Loki! Terific idea and great design by Olivier coipel! Let's hope they will not revert back to the old one....
Wow! That's a Bad Ass take on Storm. I'm digging her sexy boots in the 2nd pic, they almost look like leg warmers. *I love the idea of her wearing leg warmers.
Hey Man!! i enjoy a lot your art! i hope you could draw often Marvel comics, any way, i try to find what's new you are working on! this blog is great.
See ya!
Saludos from México
Both the Storm and Loki sketch are equally awesome! Will you be turning these into prints? I can't wait to see the inked verisons!
My son and I are looking forward to you working with J. Torres on Brave and Bold!
Awesome! Can't wait for the finished versions. Storm is so cute! :o)
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