Story - 2: Wait didn't we just do a birthday issue a few issues back? Struggling for ideas anyone? The story itself is solid and perhaps if this wasn't a deliberate cash in on Batman's 70th Anniversary, so very close to the Superman birthday party an issue or two back, I may have given it a higher rating.
Art - 2: J. Bone's covers have been a shining light for this series on occasion but it just seems like the whole book was rushed. Some panels look great while others seem to have been aggressively churned out.
Cover Art - 2: Just last month I'd seen an upturn in the book and suddenly to prove me wrong we're delivered this... nice homage to the Silver Age style covers but though it presents a challenge the reader must participate in it's not J. Bone's best.
And here's some genuine love from the dear, sweet Rachelle, who interviewed me and posted about my book on the day it actually hit the stands! Click her name to see what I had to say about drawing for kids and making stuff out of yarn! Thanks, Rachelle. You're a peach!
Aw, man! I did not know you worked on the "Super Friends". I will have to pick it up this Wednesday.
I read the interview..Good stuff!
I saw your comment about you being a "cartoony" guy. It is a shame that the companies view "cartoony" in a diminished light.
As demonstrated on your sites, you are more than able to work on any/all their titles.
James M.
Just picked up Super Friends. Great work! Have not read the story just yet..I'll do that later but the art is SUPERB!
James M.
Hi J Bone,
Make sure you check out ABC News today (5-21-09). There is a story about billionaires in America getting together to help out charities in these hard times. They call the the Super Friends and at the end of the story, they show a version of your Super Friends #1 cover characters, but their heads have been replaced by Oprah, Winfry, Bill Gates, etc.
I took a screen capture of the ABC thing. If you want it, I'll send it to you
Anyways, what does Adam Dechanel know? I bet his mom thought his article was JUST GREAT though!
James M - Thanks,man. I hope you enjoyed the story as well as the art.
Javier - Crumbs, I missed it. I'd love to see the screen capture. Please feel free to send it to my e-mail: banjonose_1@hotmail.com
I'd love to do a blog post about it! Thanks, also, for the tip...I was just too late checking my updates to get it.
Ian Explosivo - Ha ha! A friend put it to me this way, "Would you rather he (Adam) said he loved it and not give you any critical feedback?" What would be the point of critiquing things if it was all positive.
My disagreement with Adam's critique is that he finds fault with a company making money off its characters. I just don't see the fault in putting out a birthday issue of a book celebrating a character's "birth". I'm not sure how that's seen as a cash grab.
Man, that Stand-up cut out is just too awesome. Beautiful work
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