Like a lemon meringue pie comes Solar Sella, the final installment in my Women in Space triptych. I had planned to scan in some Stella pages just to show you all exactly who this gal is...unfortunately I can't find a copy of the book in my house. There must me one somewhere. I had a box of about ten of them at one point. When I find a copy I'll make sure to upload a few pages to this very blog.

And here they all are, together for the first time (here anyway). I placed Barbarella in the fore because she's really the first one.
In work news, I'm currently inking my final issue of the Spirit. It's a little bittersweet, working on this one. I'm happy to be at the end but sad that I won't be working with my good buddy, Darwyn, anymore. Not that we won't be doing other work together in the future (quite possibly the very near future ;) but it won't be the monthly team-up I've enjoyed this past year.
I've also been drawing and colouring covers for a new Super Friends book aimed at younger readers. Just as soon as I'm allowed to I'll post a few of the covers here. I absolutely love drawing DC's finest and can't wait to show you all my work.