Hey all,
Have you ever been scrolling through the pages of this here blog and thought to yourself "I wonder what J.Bone sounds like? Is he monotone like a robot? Lilting and whispery like a poet? Does he yell like a wrestler and use cuss words?"
Well, wonder no more because I've recorded a podcast with the very funny, highly likable
Andrew Murray and
Adam Hines - both artists you should check out). And, yes, I use cuss words.
Actually, this is my second podcast with Andrew and Adam. In my first we just talked about
ME, and comics and movies and stuff. This new podcast deals with a weightier subject - Depression. I won't go into details because I want you to listen to the podcast, but I will say that I was very happy to discuss depression with the guys. I think Mental Health is just as important as physical health (in fact they often go hand-in-hand) and that we really need to remove the stigma attached to discussing mental health.
Please, if you're having mental health problems speak to a professional - your doctor. In the podcast I talk about Bronwyn Fox's book
POWER OVER PANIC which has helped me greatly dealing with my own issue. Check out the link for more information about Panic Attacks and Anxiety.
The cartoon posted above was drawn after reading Eckhart Tolle's
A NEW EARTH. I wish it was so easy to shed your "sad skin".