A few reviews for this current story have shown up online...not all that favorable.
Starting with the comments following the interview:
"I don't recall the art of the Wonder Woman of the '70s ever being that bad. Granted, the WW art wasn't that stellar back then, but the new retro story doesn't capture that '70s flavor at all, IMO."
"I didn't mind the art, although it looked older then the 70s. I like J. Bones art normally, but this was slightly lacking. The story was terrible though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. "
"The art is dreadful--I read JBone was instructed to draw like Sekowsky (sp?)-- but it's soooooo clunky and wrong and looks like ameture night (and I like JBone's work, normally) "
Longer reviews at Comic Utopia, Too Dangerous For a Girl, and a much more glowing review (of my art, at any rate) at Chuck's Comic of the Day.
And finally -- the Comics Alliance wrote up a post about me that makes all those negative reviews melt away! The headline reads "The Art of J.Bone is Like a Playground for the Eyes". *Sigh* Like a hug from the internet!