So it's sorta been known for a while now that the latest batch of drawings are Signs of the Zodiac. I started with Virgo, followed by Taurus, Libra, Capricorn (not Pisces as you may have thought), Aries and finally Leo. This one is...Cancer! I'm more than half done but work has kept me from finishing the final few. I hope beyond hope that I can finish the rest soon so as not to interrupt the complete set with posts of work done in the meanwhile.
Have a lovely day!
Great to see a new post! I'm sure you've been busy. Just wanted to say hello, that I've enjoyed your blog, learned a few things, and that I've been enjoying yours and Darwyns work on The Spirit!
Very Cute.... and I especially like some of the subtle shading/lighting on the figure.
I figured you'd been busy with the day job...
Loved the last Spirit, and the variation in the inking within. Hope you are still able to work on your own story projects. :)
Each of these is better than the last! I can't believe you can keep topping yourself like this. The girl in this one is the cutest one yet -- I love her expression and the arch in her pose.
Loovley J!
Steve - Thanks. Glad to hear you've also been enjoying the Spirit.
Paul - Hey man, thanks. Spirit is keeping me awfully busy...almost too busy to work on extra stuff. But I do manage to squeeze little jobs in here and there.
Mr. Cho - Thanks, guy. I'm posting them out of order from how I drew them to disguise any changes in inking or drawing as I progress :)
Drazen - Thanks!
A best of both worlds shot?! Nice.
Awwww maaannn... she's so cute I wanna put her in my pocket and take her home. :)
Cheers Mr Bone... yer pinups are gorgeous.
Pat Ingoldsby
Love comparing these to their counterparts on Man's Adventure. Absolutely brilliant!
Good, good, all good...
King of Hearts - Absolutely! :)
Pat - Good to see you here, man! I hope everything is great with you!
A Man About Town - It's been fun working up poses that fit both women and men. Some just have to be different including this one.
Steve - Thanks, guy.
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