In this month's ChickaDEE Magazine (available at most fine book stores and a few crummy ones...and quite possibly only in Canada) there is a four page story by me (pencils), myself (inks) and I (colours).
It is the story of a little girl falling and breaking her arm. In the printed images there is accompanying text but I thought I might just put up the stuff I did!
This being a children's magazine I had to make sure the little girl was wearing all the suitable safety gear. I think it's kinda funny that even though she's wearing wrist guards and elbow pads she still manages to break her arm...what sort of lesson is that teaching the kids!
Anyway, it was lots of fun and I hope I can do more stuff for ChickaDEE!

I love the dude high-fiving the skeleton!
Nice work mr. Bone
Thanks guys. I'd originally drawn the dad scratching his back with the skeleton's arm but it seemed too gruesome and awkward.
aah, very nice.
yeah, I don't think we have access to it here... maybe if put one in a bottle and let it float its way through Lake Michinan...
(it might work ;)
You should have drawn the girl in one of those inflatable sumo wrestling suits...and then broken her arm! Nice work Mr. Bone! Now if only Lief had a blog...
The sumo suit's not far fetched. The safety considerations for fictional character is insane. Two true stories: my buddy drew a strip where a little bird character is falling. In the next panel he lands on his butt in a pile of pillows. He had to change the art in the "falling" panel because it LOOKED like the character was going to land on his head. Even though you see he doesn't the falling panel had the appearance of more severe injury and had to be changed!
Second story: A character is chasing a guy who hops onto a snowmobile. When the character jumps to nab the villain he has to suddenly be wearing a helmet because he's about to be riding a snowmobile!
It was so much easier when Daffy just got his beak shot off and came back for more!
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