This is the cover that marks my two years of work on the Super Friends so I did try just that little bit harder to get it right. Not that I shirk duties on my other covers, mind you :)

Speaking of covers -- reviews are in on a few of my past covers. Read 'em all just below this!

"Cover Art - 2: A bit of a rush job this time round. I get the 'storybook theme' but the cover is nothing like the interior and thus it is marked low. I get the feeling this was done before the story..."
I wouldn't ordinarily bother, but I do want to say that Stewart McKenny did an absolutely gorgeous job on the interiors. I knew, after reading the script, that he wasn't going to get the chance to draw a literal fairy tale version of the Super Friends. I took the opportunity on the cover to draw Superman as a literal Man of STEEL (or tin if you want to get all nit-picky ;), Batman as a Dark KNIGHT, Wonder Woman as Amazon PRINCESS, Green Lantern as a man of LIGHT, Aquaman KING of the Sea, and Flash as Hermes God of SPEED!
Hence the difference between cover and interiors.
In all fairness, the same reviewer gave my Holiday cover the following rating: "Cover Art - 4: A Green Lantern powered sled, Superman as Santa, what's not to love!"
Super Friends #23 : "Cover Art - 3: Loved Wonder Woman's awe of space depicted here, but the whole 'Mystery In Space' theme they have going just isn't magnified well enough here. John looks like a robot by the by."
All reviews are ©Adam Dechanel.
I really dig all your covers for that book. Great stuff man!
Thanks, Justin. I like them too :)
Your super villain one reminds me of your very graphically desgined Three Days In Europe covers that I loved so much!
Brian - Thanks man. I definitely like when I can leave a big chunk of cover space white. It just feels so clean and "designed"!
Hey it would be nice if we could interview you so we could have a proper discussion on the book if you have time?
Btw I think you missed this comment on your cover for Super Friends 14:
Cover Art - 4: Ah, J. Bone, the only real part of the book that's really and truly a good part of the book.
Adam - Thanks, Adam. I believe I did miss that one. That was for the issue with the Super Pets, I think. One of my own personal favourite covers.
One of my favorite covers of any comic from the past month
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