Just a few of my favourite ladies! Dolly Parton wore an outfit very much like that in an episode from the old Porter Waggoner show. She looked like a delicious dessert -- like a Lemon/Raspberry pastry. Yum!
Below her is my equally delicious friend, Mo. I drew this for her recent birthday. I wish I'd made the chair more obviously heart shaped. The bottom doesn't quite curve around as much as I'd like it to. Anyway -- who's looking at the chair!?!
They both look beautiful, J, but, man, that Dolly Parton is extra awesome!
Impressive work, as always!
Very nice.
Gorgeous, both of 'em...kudos, baby, kudos!
I don't know who I love more Dolly or Mo!!
Oh who am I kidding - I LOVE MO!!
This is great work J.
Dolly's on twitter. You should send her this.
What fun, J! I, too, have a soft spot for Dolly; her character in 9 to 5 insprired that fold-out mini I did last year. :)
Delicious indeed...Stellar work..
James - Cool! Thanks, man.
Darius - Merci.
Robert - Grazie.
Kerry - Of course it has to be MO! I actually posted my drawing of Dolly on her Dolly Facebook page. I'm not following her on Twitter, however (tho' I am following Lady Gaga...sort of).
Thanks, sweet gal!
Jon - That's hilarious, Jon! I think I've loved Dolly since my folks took us kids to the drive=in to see Best Little Whorehouse in Texas (in a double bill with Flash Gordon). I have cool parents :)
Gogopedro - Much thanks!
Yes x 2!
Dolly is spot on! Love your work ;)
If that Dolly were on some products I would buy them. Like maybe a t-shirt? Can you add it to a store somewhere? Please Please?
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